Theme spoiler

Every quarterly Drift + Focus subscription box is curated around a different big theme. The books, the magazine and all the extras work together to bring your reading experience and the subject to life.

Join the mailing list at the foot of the page if you'd like to know when we announce the theme for our next box. For now, here's more about the theme of the current box, which went out to subscribers in September...

The theme of our autumn box // Mind

An illustration of a brightly coloured head by artist Bea Vaquero

Illustration: "Look Inwards" © Bea Vaquero

There are so many ways into the subject of the mind from the most science-based academic investigations into brain chemistry and structure right through to the ultimate self-help-y change-your-mind/change-your-life manuals. 

Luckily for us, there's also a lot of rich reading material between those two extremes including fascinating explorations of the latest neuroscience written for the lay person, new insights into the relationship between our physical and mental health, philosophical examinations of the concept of 'self', personal accounts of working and living with different disorders of the brain and the mind, and more.

It's been a total delight and an education to work our way through many of these incredible books.

An image of all the contents of the autumn Drift + Focus subscription box laid out

We included eight pages of further mind-related reading in the magazine so subscribers can continue their journey in which ever way their interest takes them.

The gift in the autumn box was handmade by Brighton based designer and maker, Laura, at Pineandbear, and is designed to help subscribers switch off from the bustle of normal life when they're ready to sit down and read.

And we included two pieces of mind-related print this quarter, one to display and one to send.

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Find out more about all the people who contributed to the autumn Drift + Focus box on our suppliers page.

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